Illuminate Yourself To Immortality

Realize your essence

And you will witness the end without ending.


So what is the reason for the master’s great power? The reason was because this master was aware of his “infinite self” and the “inner power of his essence or core being.” He knew that he wasn’t his physical body and that the world that we know is just an illusion. Our immortal spirit and the essence of the Tao are inside of every one of us. Staying connected to the Tao gives all things in the universe life and power. When we lose connection with the Tao, our spirit dwindles in illumination and size. Then, we forget who we are and lose our POWER to protect and heal ourselves.

Your next question may be, “How can you stay connected to your infinite and immortal self?” Spend more time learning about inner alchemy, spend time in meditation, and learning about other ways to stay healthy and balanced. There are three steps to Taoist meditation and inner alchemy. The first step is being able to clear your mind or letting go of all thoughts that interrupt the flow of energy.

The second step is to focus your mind on your body and where the energy is flowing. Knowing how to control the energy in your body is important for self-healing. Learning activities such as yoga and pranayama or Tai Chi and Qigong (Chinese yoga & breath control) are beneficial in the next stage of meditation. The third stage of meditation is about knowing how to look inside of yourself to see what is holding you back from your infiniteness. When negative events happen in our lives or we experience something that we perceive to be negative, we create negative thoughts about it. These negative thoughts release negative chemicals in the brain or negative feelings within ourselves such as stress, sadness, anxiety, depression, fear, etc. These negative feelings can also be understood as different types of negative energy. Sometimes this negative energy gets trapped in the body if we didn’t have the chance to resolve them. Sometimes we don’t realize that we never resolved our feelings, and the negative energy from an event stays in our body for a long time.

During the third stage of meditation, sometimes random thoughts or feelings about the past and the present still seep through during your energy work. At this point, you don’t focus on the negative thought or try to analyze it. Acknowledge it and let the thought flow through your mind. A negative thought that occurs in the third stage of meditation may be a clue to what you need to release from your body.  After you finish meditating, you can begin the releasing process by examining these events and figure out what you need to learn from them. What negative thought popped into your mind during meditation? Did you have an argument with someone recently or in the past and feel negative energy from that. Why did you argue with that person? Did it cause anger or guilt? Maybe to release the negative energy, you have to forgive that person or ask for forgiveness. Maybe you even need to forgive yourself for something. You may find that your ability to forgive and say you are sorry could be something that is holding you back from connecting with the Tao. Sometimes during meditation, you can experience random thoughts of fear for no reason, maybe about Covid-19. If that is the case, keep reminding yourself that you are an infinite being who can’t be trapped or weighed down by fear or by Covid-19.

Check out more about the stages of Taoist meditation by watching these videos:

Personal Advice:During quarantine or times of self-isolation, try to find or figure out how to connect with your inner essence and how to illuminate yourself. Realize that no matter how powerful a person can be or how devastating an event can seem, nothing can take away your inner power unless you allow it to happen.
Here is a visualization technique that might help. Imagine the inside of your body as a river and the negative energy and feelings from different negative events or memories in your life as stones of different sizes blocking the flow of the water. Focus on one negative memory that caused a lot of negative energy and feelings, especially one that still haunts you sometimes. Think about what you need to do to resolve those negative feelings. You may need to change your thoughts about an event or you might need to forgive and forget. If you are not able to do something about it through your actions, you can imagine yourself doing something about it. Imagine yourself saying sorry to someone or imagine yourself conquering fear in a funny way. Then visualize a stone dissipating or breaking down, or being washed away by the water. The stone may dissipate into positive energy or you may see it as a polished stone or pearl that enhances your chi instead of blocking it. The more stones you dissipate or change into beautiful pearls the more you are able to become a master alchemist and live like an immortal.

Do the Tao now and learn how to think like a Taoist master by reading “Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life” by Dr. Wayne Dyer. Remember the first step to becoming a master is by changing your thoughts and overcoming fear. After you read this book, share your personal experience about how this book has changed your life. When you connect with your inner essence, you are able to illuminate yourself with love and light. 

Let’s Recap:

  1. You Are Not Your Body: Realizing your essence or true self starts with realizing that you are an infinite, intelligent, non-physical being or entity that is living a human experience in a physical body. This intelligent entity has the ability of healing, raising frequency, and manifesting wondrous things.
  2. You Are an Immortal: Stay connected to your infinite or immortal self through inner alchemy and meditation. Imagine your immortality as a type of light energy permeating every cell in your body until immortality becomes a part of your identity.
  3. Illuminate Yourself: When we lose connection to the Tao, our spirit dwindles in illumination and size. Spend time during Covid-19 or periods of self-isolation learning how to illuminate yourself in everything that you do or by non-doing.

If you enjoyed this blog article, comment below. If you are interested in learning more about how to live like an immortal, come back to my blog and read my next article on realizing your true self and remembering the god or goddess within.


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